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Everything You Need to Know about Fire Extinguisher Maintenance for Your Business

As a business owner, you know that protecting your employees, customers and property is a top priority. One way to do this is by having fire extinguishers on hand in case of an emergency. But did you know that simply owning a fire extinguisher is not enough?

You also need to regularly maintain fire extinguishers to ensure they work properly in the event of a fire. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about fire extinguishers maintenance. Read on to learn more!

What Is Fire Extinguisher Maintenance?

Fire extinguishers are an essential part of any fire safety plan, but they need to be properly maintained to be effective. Servicing fire extinguishers regularly helps make certain they will work correctly when needed. After all, having a fire extinguisher that doesn’t work when you need it most is just about the worst thing that can happen to your business.

There are three steps to fire extinguishers maintenance: monthly visual inspections, basic annual service and extended service. Let’s take a look at each.

Monthly Visual Inspections

The first step in maintaining your fire extinguisher is to perform a monthly visual inspection. This involves checking the pressure gauge to confirm it is in the green zone, checking the pin to ensure it is intact and in place, and examining the hose for any signs of damage or leaks.

If you notice anything out of the ordinary, contact a qualified technician for further fire safety assessment.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 says, “Regular visual inspections of all portable fire extinguishers [must] be carried out by the user or user’s representative. The frequency of inspections […] should be not less than monthly and, when circumstances require, inspections should be carried out more frequently.”

A visual inspection of your fire extinguishers should be a regular part of your fire safety checklist and needs to include the following:

Basic Check

First, check the exterior of the extinguisher for any damage. Look for dents, scratches or missing parts. Then, check the trigger to make sure it is fully intact. Finally, inspect the extinguisher itself to see if it has been used. If so, it will need to be refilled or replaced.

Seal Check

Anyone trained in fire extinguisher usage knows this is a crucial step in fire safety. By checking the fire extinguisher seals, you can be more certain the fire extinguisher is in good working condition and can function properly in the event of a fire.

The tamper seals help keep the fire extinguisher pressure levels stable, and the headcap pin helps prevent accidental discharge. If either of these components is damaged or missing, it is vital to replace the fire extinguisher immediately.

Pressure Gauge Check

Fire extinguishers have a gauge indicating whether or not the extinguisher is fully charged and ready for use. If the gauge is in the green zone, the fire extinguisher is safe and operational.

If the gauge is in the red zone, the fire extinguisher must be serviced or replaced. As such, it is important to regularly check the pressure gauge on fire extinguishers to check they are in good working order.

Location Check

As a business owner, it’s essential to make sure your fire extinguishers are in the correct locations and clearly visible. You should also have enough fire extinguishers for your business. How many fire extinguishers do you need? The amount will depend on various factors, such as the size of your business premises and the kind of industry you work in. For example, restaurant fire safety requires different types and numbers of fire extinguishers than an office environment.

Label Check

In addition to checking the fire extinguisher for physical damage, it is also important to check that the operating instructions are visible and legible. Dirty or damaged instructions make it difficult to use the fire extinguisher in an emergency, so it is important to clean and repair them as needed. The labels need to be facing outwards at all times.

Signage Check

It is critical to make sure that visible signs indicate each type of fire extinguisher. These signs help people to quickly and easily identify the right fire extinguisher for the fire they are dealing with. By taking these steps, you can be certain that your fire extinguishers are ready to use in an emergency.

Record Your Findings

These checks should be documented in your fire extinguisher maintenance log, along with any corrective action that may be needed. Be sure to note any fire extinguishers that need to be replaced or serviced, as this should be done as soon as possible. 

Damage to Look for During Monthly Visual Checks

In the event of a fire, a properly functioning fire extinguisher can mean the difference between a small blaze and a major disaster. That’s why it’s so important to perform monthly visual checks on all fire extinguishers in your business. Here’s what you should be looking for:

  • Dents/gouges/scratches on the fire extinguisher body
  • Rusting/corrosion
  • Frayed or split hoses
  • On CO2 fire extinguishers, check the horn for damage or cracks
  • On wet chemical fire extinguishers, look for any dirt or damage on the nozzle or wand
  • Dirt on the top valves and the pressure gauges
  • Damage to fire extinguisher cabinets or any covers.

Monthly fire extinguisher checks may seem like a hassle that takes you away from running your business, but they’re essential to keeping your business safe from fires. By taking just a few minutes each month to inspect your fire extinguishers, you can rest assured they’ll be ready to use in an emergency.

Basic Annual Service 

Once a year, a qualified technician needs to perform a thorough inspection of all parts of every fire extinguisher in your business. There’s often some confusion about who can carry out annual inspections on workplace fire extinguishers, but the quick answer is that it needs to be a qualified technician.

They will visually inspect the pressure gauge and hose and conduct a pressure test to check if the fire extinguisher can hold pressure. Usually, there will also be fully operational testing.

If any seals or junction valve O rings need to be replaced, the technician will do so. They will also recharge the fire extinguisher if needed. Once the maintenance has been completed, the technician will fill out the fire extinguisher service history maintenance label for your records.

This label will indicate the date of the last service and when the next service is due so that you can be confident your fire extinguishers are always in good working order.

Extended Service 

As well as the annual maintenance of fire extinguishers, you also need to have an extended service carried out. The timing of this will depend on the type of fire extinguisher being checked. Water and water-based fire extinguishers, foam extinguishers, wet chemical extinguishers and dry powder extinguishers need an extended service every five years.

Carbon Dioxide extinguishers will need their extended service every ten years.

Part of the extended testing will involve a “test by discharge”. It’s exactly how it sounds. The fire extinguisher will be set off until it’s empty. This is to check that it works as intended. 

A top tip from the Astoria team is that this is a great time to get your staff involved. The fire extinguishers must be discharged, and your team members need to have fire safety training what better time to let them practise with the fire extinguishers present on your business property?

Depending on the location of your business, you may need to have your fire extinguishers serviced more frequently than once per year. Environments with high temperatures and humid conditions can cause corrosion, which can lead to premature failure of vital fire extinguisher components.

In these cases, it is recommended you have your fire extinguishers inspected every six months. Having a regular maintenance schedule ensures your fire extinguishers will be in good working order when needed.

CO2 Fire Extinguisher Extended Service 

All fire extinguishers, especially CO2 fire extinguishers, require regular service and maintenance to be sure they work properly in the event of a fire. CO2 fire extinguishers are a little different because they have much higher pressure levels than other types. 

That’s why you must have your extended service of C02 extinguishers carried out by a qualified engineer. This will include checking the hydrostatic pressure, replacing the primary valve and a full visual check of the extinguisher to guarantee compliance with fire safety regulations.

Replacement Fire Extinguishers

During the annual or extended service of your fire extinguishers, if any are found damaged or flawed, they will need to be repaired. In most cases, you will get a replacement extinguisher from the company carrying out the servicing. Replacing rather than taking the extinguisher away for repairs makes the process significantly faster and ensures your business is not left without adequate fire safety protection.

However, if you do have a replacement fire extinguisher, make sure that you thoroughly inspect it during your monthly visual check. Make sure your team is shown any differences in the labelling, the appearance, and even the condition of the replacement.

The Law and Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

Of course, you already know that having working fire extinguishers in your business is vital for safety reasons, but did you know that fire extinguisher maintenance is required by law?

Both the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) and British Standards have requirements for regular fire extinguisher maintenance. The RRO states that all fire extinguishers must be “subject to a suitable system of maintenance and are maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair”.

So rather than looking at fire extinguisher maintenance as a monthly or annual chore, always consider it an essential part of your business management. It’s not just the law; it’s also to give you and your team peace of mind, save lives and save your business. 

If you don’t maintain your fire extinguishers, you’re not just putting people at risk. You could also face potentially unlimited fines or even a prison sentence. 

Disposing of Old Fire Extinguishers

If you look after your fire extinguishers, they can be kept safe for many years. However, you may find that as they age, it gets harder to find replacement parts. That can make servicing more challenging, as does the fact that fire safety regulations and even manufacturing standards experience occasional changes. 

In those cases, replacing the extinguisher is usually more cost-effective. What’s important to remember is that a fire extinguisher is classed as hazardous waste. So they need to be disposed of very carefully. 

You may find that your local recycling centre, especially if it’s a large facility, will accept fire extinguishers. It’s always worth getting in touch with them to find out. In cases where you can’t recycle easily, we can do this for you and provide you with immediate replacements.

Next Steps to Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

Now that you know everything there is to know about fire extinguisher maintenance, it’s time to get started! Pick one day each month to perform your visual inspection and mark it on your calendar. Then find a qualified technician who can perform your annual service (and extended service if necessary).

And finally, make sure to put a note on your calendar for when your CO2 fire extinguishers are due for their extended service. By following these simple steps, you can rest assured knowing that your business is prepared in case of a fire emergency.

Are Your Fire Extinguishers Being Maintained?

If there is a fire emergency in your place of work tomorrow, are you 100% certain that your fire extinguishers will work? It’s no use being even 99% sure they’re fine. You need complete confidence when it comes to fire safety. 

At Astoria, we’ve been helping businesses in London with their fire extinguisher maintenance for over 15 years. We are fully accredited by BAFE, the independent registration body that covers third-party certificated fire safety organisations in the UK. We have in-depth knowledge of fire safety regulations in London and can help you have 100% confidence that your fire extinguishers will work when you need them most.

Make sure your business fully complies with fire safety regulations with our FREE site survey. We’ll assess your premises, check your fire extinguisher maintenance plan and log, and ensure that your business is safe, both legally and from the threat of fires. 

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